Schools and Universities

New Alfred Delp Primary School


The three-armed structure of the school blends naturally into the landscape of the green garden city and is fluidly connected to the day care centre and car park by the unique, lively break yard. The main entrance to the school is reached via the break yard through flowering perennial islands with benches providing places to meet, linger and communicate. Various colourful islands with ball sports facilities, climbing and play structures playfully encourage the children to improve their motor skills through movement. The islands of movement are joined by the green classroom, which offers opportunities not only for outdoor learning but also for music lessons. To the west is the school garden with an adjoining sensory garden, which contributes to the children's cognitive development. The reading island prepares a retreat for resting and reading in colourful hammocks. The school's work area is being expanded with an experimental garden where the children can carry out projects and experiment with the water features themselves.

In addition to the children, the concept also promotes local biodiversity. The largely preserved tree population will be expanded with native trees and shrubs leading to a positive effect on the local and urban climate. The green frame that protectively wraps around the school, and the semi-natural flowering meadows, provides habitat and food for various native birds, insects and small mammals. In the process, a stepping stone biotope is created that combines the promotion of native flora and fauna with the playful encouragement of children.

Neben den Kindern wird durch das Konzept der Freianlagen auch die lokale Biodiversität gefördert. Der weitgehend erhaltene Baumbestand wird dabei durch einheimische Baum- und Strauchpflanzen erweitert was einen positiven Effekt auf das lokale und städtische Klima bringt. Der grüne Rahmen, der sich schützend um die Schule legt, sorgt zusammen mit den naturnahen Blühwiesen für Habitat und Nahrung verschiedener einheimischer Vögel, Insekten und Kleinsäugetiere. Dabei wird ein Trittstein-Biotop geschaffen, welches die Förderung der einheimischen Flora und Fauna mit der spielerischen Förderung der Kinder verbindet.