
Smart ReCycling Factory – Competence- and Informationscentre for recycling and circular economy in Hille

2020 bis 2020

3rd prize with the Architecture office Lindstedt. Producing, consuming, thentrying away, depositing - this form of economic activity is a one-way street. The traditional linear economy leads to a large amount of waste, which leads to global scarcity of resources and damages our ecosystems and humanity. A cultural change - a new art of living and working - is needed. The cycle must become the new guiding principle: «Use products for a long time and repeatedly. Avoid waste. " And this is exactly where the Smart Recycling Factory (SRF) “hooks up”. Their goal is to raise public awareness because «Awareness is the greatest catalyst of change» - E. Tolle. Through SRF, society and the economy should move away from single use and towards a responsible use of our limited resources. Awareness is promoted by means of architectural and landscape elements, which are linked to old places and processes through a resource-saving strategy of “plug n play”. In their entirety, they form a new arc of consciousness, innovation and playful experience, which in the future will be closed into a circle by the element of gentryth.