
Suning Plaza of River West, Nanjing, China

2010 bis 2014

The park influences the site and vice versa The park is the green heart of the development. Elements of natural design extend from the park core to the edges and street frontages of the site to draw visitors into the park. The park design includes a variety of uses: relaxing, meeting, playing, gardening, performing, walking, exercising and learning. It adopts elements of the adjacent urban environment as design themes. The park's redesign integrates principles of sustainability with an improved circulation network, creating a strong connection to the new retail development. The lake is functionally redesigned for incorporating wetlands and water filtering zones. Pavement areas are also redesigned to utilize permeable pavement that increases water infiltration. To retain the park's existing character, popular features like the lake and amphitheater are taken as basis for the new design. The lake and the boardwalk connections to the new development become the defining elements of the park. From the boardwalk, one can look down into the different rooms of the park. On ground level, two path networks provide access throughout the site. The widest paths act as the main accessways while smaller paths wind in and out of the landscape rooms.